Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In Lieu of Veteran's Day...

Most, if not all, I think all, of my friends out there are the creative type, so I know you will appreciate this new exhibit opening up at ICA of Boston. Michael helped out the artist with the content and The Globe even mentioned him and his book in their article! So exciting.

Artist’s ICA installation aims to capture the chaos of war - The Boston Globe

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Food, Inc.

When I feel very passionate and strong about something, especially in politics, I find it very hard to articulate myself. I find it very hard to even find the right words to write this blog.

For the past three years I've been on a journey of cleaning up my act when it came to food choices. Over three years, really. In my mind I'm a vegan, but I'm finding it hard to give up cow mucous. And by cow mucous I mean milk and cheese products. Economically, it's difficult to adopt these eating habits. Soy isn't exactly cheap. And what about eating organically? A pepper, which is one of the worst vegetables to eat inorganically, can cost 3 times more when produced organically.

We also live in a culture that demands instant gratification, where commercials from McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King etc etc depict ideas of family, togetherness, affordability at an instant, creating memories around a chicken nugget-toy-and playground, and NOW trying to show that they are smart choices because they offer fruit, even if it may be in one of their fried hormone laden chicken salads....

I do my best to not get upset by loved ones eating meat. Everyone makes their own choices. I even cook meat for my love. But I do now buy free-range organic meat. Patronage to the fast food industry does however make me very upset.

Food, Inc. How Industrial Food is Making us Sicker, Fatter and Poorer - And What You Can do About it is a movie (and book) about these issues and more.

Here is a trailer....

Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - Hungry For Change? - Trailer and Photos

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Check out the site and check out the issues section....


Think about and question what you eat and what you feed your loved ones.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Break Time

Once school is over (tomorrow), I may have more time to dedicate towards blogging. My sense of guilt over time spent on anything but studying or money making work has prevented me from maintaining the blog I initially envisioned. You all should be thankful for my sense of duty to my school work, seeing how your life or your loved ones may be in my hands some day. I'd hope to be well educated in whatever comes at me....

ANYWAY enough of that. I bring you this important opportunity to potentially help the chronically ill...

You may or may not know this, but I have and inflammatory bowel disease called Ulcerative Colitis. Very similar to Crohn's disease. It is not fun and gave me one heck of a ride from my diagnosis in 2006 to a crazy flare up and an extremely long hospitalization with talks of surgery. Finally, after all the steroids and other drugs, we finally found one that seemed to work for me. I gradually gained strength back and didn't let any of this get in my way. Now, almost two years later since I've been home from the hospital, I have yet to have a full blown flare up and am considered in remission. Bad news is, I'm still on meds and so is the majority of everyone else with these diseases, or worse - surgeries to remove diseased portions of intestines or the entire large intestine. There is no cure. Much like many illnesses out there. No cure. And the cause? The cause is still widely debated from genetics to environmental triggers to autoimmune to a combination.

Good news is almost anyone can help with research projects. The Crohn's and Colitis Center of Mass General Hospital is currently collecting samples and data on patients with IBD. If you have IBD or know anyone who does, call 617.724.3238 to participate. Basically, you donate a blood and urine sample and fill out some questionnaires mostly on diet. For your time, you are awarded $25 or free parking (which sometimes can be over $25). You can even elect to donate that money back. Even those without the disease can participate and be part of the control group. If this study isn't for you, look into other chronic illness research projects. Many hospitals have specialty units with research departments. Again, if this isn't an illness you suffer from, almost always a control group is needed to compare results against. Show your support!

Back to the books....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


David Bromstad.  It's 3:49 pm and I've seen you half naked and sweaty on my tv painting and humping a fish tank.  Is this an after school special?  Or has HGTV started showing soft core porn while us at home unwind after our day before we hit the fridge/microwave/stove (all depending how domestic you feel like being)?

Ever since my consumer marketing class during my first undergrad experience, I've always noticed different commercials and their timing depending on what time of day and what the anticipated audience will be during those commercial breaks.  With that, I began noticing the timing of television programming.  

Naked sweaty painting fits in with the market that desires Sandals love making get-a-ways and those who love to vacuum pack 7 winter sweaters in a wrinkled bag.  It saves space.  Other after school specials include "Room Raiders"  and "Date my Mom."  Their target markets enjoy text messaging to find out who is gossiping about you or who your soul mate is. Just for small print 
$9.99 a month plus many additional fees.  

What marketing observations have you seen??  

TV is rotting my brain.  It's now time for me to return to reading before yoga class.  I'm reading Middlesex, and probably will be until the semester is over.  I can't wait til my love's book is out on the shelves and people are blogging about reading it....