Sunday, April 22, 2012

Plan vs. Actual

The week’s workouts…

Sunday – Piloxing and Zumba - Success!  I think I took a walk too.

Monday – Circuit at home, one of these perhaps. Focus on extra abs. - More like a rest day.  My pedometer said I walked 5 miles at work.

Tuesday – Rest - Again, 5 miles at work, but I'm not technically counting these miles as a workout. 

Wednesday – 30 of cardio and yoga - I walked instead.  Hard to go indoors when it is so nice out.

Thursday – Circuit training or rest - Rest day.  Workout after 12 hour shifts=ya right.  Another 5 miles on the pedometer.

Friday – Some type of class and add in some leg training. - Long walk around Plymouth.  My sis and I found a trail we never knew existed!  We can't wait to go back and explore more. 

Saturday – Wildcard! - Zumba class, walk outside, and this circuit training thing-a-ma-bob. 

So planning workouts while it is nice outside is tough.  If I don't get up and do it right away, I just want to go outside. I think that's why I followed through with classes on Sunday and Saturday.

The new plan for a new week...

Sunday - Gym, step mill and whatever else
Monday- Rest
Tuesday - Walk or a class
Wednesday - Walk or a class
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Circuit
Saturday - Something outdoorsy and wonderful

This week brings the challenge of the night shift!  On my days off I usually can pull off a great late night gym session.  24 hour gyms are the best. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

I need a hobby.

I really do.  Now that I have a three day work week, I need to fill my free time with something constructive.  But I have creativity ADD.

Right away I thought of refurnishing and re-purposing furniture.  I was looking at all sorts of inspiration on the internets and started following blogs like Better After.  Ideas just kept pouring in!  I got ideas for things around the house and other second hand items floating around.  I completed two projects thus far, which I will share, eventually.  But when I started it was so cold outside.  I don't have a garage and I got yelled at for spray painting in the basement.  By chance, a warm winter day happened and that is the only reason why I've completed those two projects.  My sister and I got real excited about redoing furniture and started with my Dad's dining room chairs.  This was a windy day and not good for spray painting.  Who knows what in nature is now coated with a light primer.  Now that it is nice out, have I started any other projects?  No.

All of those "upcycling" web searches led me to sewing.  I'd love to save money and do all sorts of refashioning of my tired old clothes as well as thrift store finds.  I sent my sister's sewing machine to get a tune up, and received a hand-me down sewing machine as well.  While waiting for the machine at the shop, I started following all of these sewing and refashioning blogs and became super inspired.  I started pinning all sorts of junk on pinterest that were tutorials or inspiration or who knows what.  I started scoping out Savers and I bought fabric.  I've searched for local sewing classes but never followed through.  I really just need to sign up.  When I'm out and about and I see something I like, all I can think of is how much money I'd save if I just refashioned something to look like that. 

Now I'm thinking of gardening.  The more I work on a certain area in the yard, the more I realize other areas need SERIOUS attention.  I'd like a new lawn mower and I'd like my yard to stop acting like the center of the neighborhood for all things to blow into.  Really, Mr. Take-out Box?  You are not compost-able. 

So here I am with my lack of commitment.  I'm really trying not to feel guilty or feel like I waste my time or money.  I just need to go outside.

What are you doing with your spare time these days?

Food Confession.

I put garlic and chili powder on everything.

Well, not my oatmeal.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Planning ahead.

This week’s workouts…
Sunday – Piloxing and Zumba
Monday – Circuit at home, one of these perhaps.  Focus on extra abs.
Tuesday – Rest
Wednesday – 30 of cardio and yoga
Thursday – Circuit training or rest
Friday – Some type of class and add in some leg training.
Saturday – Wildcard!

Right now my workouts feel like a giant wildcard.  No order.  No routine.  I’ve been trying to follow a plan and stick with it but I’ve really only been able to stick with being active.  I’ve been picking around Jamie Eason’s LiveFit 12-week trainer.  I’ll run bits and pieces of the couch-to-5k program.  Ultimately, I’m listening to my bod and trying not to strain my achy joints.  This in turn keeps me from getting bored on the step mill. 

On a hilarious and serious note, I was gifted with a shake weight for my birthday.  I don’t know that it will truly tone my arms with the promised “dynamic inertia” but I totally feel a burn while shaking.  The best thing about it is the reflective/mirror tape on the end. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Date Night!!!

So my love is going away next week and I’m working the days leading up to his departure so we decided to go on a special date night last night!  We went to the waterfront in New Bedford not expecting too much.  Some areas aren’t that great…  What we found was a quaint, artsy downtown area and had a fabulous dining experience at the Waterfront Grille

Being vegan and dating an omnivore, going out to dinner can sometimes be more trouble than it is worth.  If we go to a vegetarian restaurant, my love’s palate isn’t truly on the same page as mine, so it is usually pizza or some other “safe” food for him.  If we go to a restaurant with meat, one hundred questions later and a lot of apprehension, it is a salad, pasta, or cheese-less pizza for me.  Although going out is more about the company than anything else, I really want to eat something I’m not going to cook at home.  I want to be impressed and I don’t want my company to be left behind. 

When deciding where to eat, I knew I wanted some veggie sushi.  This is usually safe choice for us both – I get my sushi, he gets something he really enjoys.  But still having only one or two options can get boring.  To my surprise, Waterfront Grille had a vegetarian section to their menu with a make it vegan option.  !!!! I was so excited.  My sushi ideas turned from ordering a boat of sweet potato maki to having my maki as an appetizer and having an actual entrĂ©e from their vegetarian menu.  Service was great, atmosphere wonderful.  Can’t wait to go back when it is warmer and sit on the deck.  Also can’t wait to explore New Bedford’s cobblestone streets. 

After happy, full bellies, we went to see American Reunion.  In a way, I feel like I grew up with those movies.  When the first two came out, I was graduating high school and then coming back to home life after college.  Then it was wedding season during American Wedding.  Fun times!

How do you keep your palate entertained?


Saturday, April 14, 2012

The big three oh.

I’m thirty now.  Depressing thirty.  Another decade down the tubes, one more closer to our demise.  Now if reading women’s magazines, I must consult articles regarding the “over thirty” group of women.  I have to stock up on a different category of anti-aging creams and make up.  Do I have a different body type now?  Can I still shop at Forever 21?  I don’t have a home of my own.  I don’t have a graduate degree, although I’ve been in school long enough to have a Dr. in front of my name.  I don’t have a Mrs. in front of my name either.  No children.  No tales of backpacking across Europe for a year in my twenties.  I am just another tired old gal carrying around broken dreams and failed attempts to fit into this mold of an adult in this American dream…
Or am I?
People are really interested in how one feels about turning thirty.  I feel great. 
Turning thirty means a time for me to reap what I’ve sowed.  I worked my ass off in my twenties, in all aspects of the term “work.”  I went to school and worked towards a degree I thought I wanted.  I worked up to a career I thought I wanted.  I left that career realizing I needed to work on more than work and school.  I moved.  I worked on my health and having fun.  Then I got sick.  I realized my soul needed work too.  Through working on my soul and my body through yoga and mindfulness, I was able to heal.  I went back to school to work towards something I knew would satisfy me mind, body, heart, and soul.  Then I realized I needed to work on my heart.  Once I was able to let go of all the negativity and truly open myself to what I deserved, only then I could be ready for what was to come.  My heart was heavy in other aspects of society and there are so many things I’d like to stand up and fight for, but I started with one.  I work everyday since I made that decision and fight with my fork.  I still had school and work.  I worked and studied and studied to work.  When that day finally came, about two months before my thirtieth birthday, the day I finally felt free, I cried. 
Sure, I still have to “work” but everything I did in my twenties set me up for an amazing journey in my thirties.  No, an amazing journey for the rest of my life.  So yes, I still have to go to work, I still must challenge myself mentally, physically, and emotionally, I still have to mind my health, I still have to put the efforts in my relationships, I still feel overwhelmed, and I still have to clean the house.  But turning thirty?  There is nothing I cannot face.