Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Food, Inc.

When I feel very passionate and strong about something, especially in politics, I find it very hard to articulate myself. I find it very hard to even find the right words to write this blog.

For the past three years I've been on a journey of cleaning up my act when it came to food choices. Over three years, really. In my mind I'm a vegan, but I'm finding it hard to give up cow mucous. And by cow mucous I mean milk and cheese products. Economically, it's difficult to adopt these eating habits. Soy isn't exactly cheap. And what about eating organically? A pepper, which is one of the worst vegetables to eat inorganically, can cost 3 times more when produced organically.

We also live in a culture that demands instant gratification, where commercials from McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King etc etc depict ideas of family, togetherness, affordability at an instant, creating memories around a chicken nugget-toy-and playground, and NOW trying to show that they are smart choices because they offer fruit, even if it may be in one of their fried hormone laden chicken salads....

I do my best to not get upset by loved ones eating meat. Everyone makes their own choices. I even cook meat for my love. But I do now buy free-range organic meat. Patronage to the fast food industry does however make me very upset.

Food, Inc. How Industrial Food is Making us Sicker, Fatter and Poorer - And What You Can do About it is a movie (and book) about these issues and more.

Here is a trailer....

Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - Hungry For Change? - Trailer and Photos

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Check out the site and check out the issues section....

Think about and question what you eat and what you feed your loved ones.