Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A little gross...

The snow that is.  Thankfully, I was not scheduled for work today.  So I actually get to be snowed in!  I don't think I've ever worked for a company that closed on a day that snowed.  The future is looking the same.  I guess I'll have to invest in 4-wheel drive and some tire chains.  Ha, I can't imagine myself putting chains on my tires.

Today I plan on cooking and storing leftovers.  I'm sick of work's cafeteria food.  The food isn't bad, but I'm over it.  I'm done.  I'll be sure to post some recipes and goodies!

But right now I want to talk about my first 30-day challenge.  I won't talk about how last night I failed and fell asleep while watching Veronica Mars.  That's why it's challenging, right?  You have to deal with yourself.  Either way, it's one week into the challenge.  What is my first 30 day challenge of 2011?  No picking wedgies in public. Meditating daily.  Instead of digging in my bum Instead of cruising the net and reading a page turner before bed (I guess I'll have to add instead of watching Veronica Mars), I've been listening to a reiki guided meditation CD.  This next week I'm going to work on a more conscious meditation rather than falling asleep during it.  I guess the relaxation part is working.  Whateves, I work on my chakras and my reiki.  No dreams I can speak of, but I had a nightmare last night when I didn't perform reiki on myself!

I find guided meditation initially works the best for me.  It's easy to get anxious and void out any therapeutic response to meditation while wondering if you are doing things right.  When concentrating on commands and the guided imagery with a tranquil ambient soundtrack, it can be easier to get in sync and cast out other thoughts.  Your intentions get the most focus.

There are multiple free podcast meditations to get you started.  Even some on youtube.  I think on demand tv even has a meditation channel.  Challenge yourself with me!

Talk amongst yourselves...

What are you doing on the snow day?

Ever watch Veronica Mars?  I'm hooked!  So is my baby sis, Chrissy.  I won't tell you how many episodes she watched yesterday. 

Do you meditate?  What's your meditation set-up? I typically just like music.  I like laying down too a la shavasana style.  Incense and oils are nice, but I don't typically use them.  Crystals are also nice too.  Once I used a crystal on my third eye and that helped me focus on "opening" up that area.  During my challenge here I plan on doing a little research.  There are many types of meditation.  I especially like the Hemi-sync's metamusic.  You can almost feel the music dancing through your brain.  My love and I once went to a party with all these ivy-league intellectual professor types (he has networked a lot through his writing) and we met this one dude in a velour suit who proclaimed the meditation he teaches is the only correct meditation!  There is more to that story, for another day.  Funny story.

Do you listen to podcasts? I think podcasts are fabulous!  Free and fabulous.  I've learned much about vegetarian health through podcasts.  I've attempted to brush up on my espanol.  As for meditation podcasts, I've only listened to a few.  Meditation Oasis has been around for a while and has many meditations for specific purposes for all lifestyles. 

I can here my sister starting to stir upstairs.  Time to make some pancakes!


  1. i hope you are not picking wedgies and THEN cooking. now THATS a little gross. ;)

    i left you a message on andreas blog about zumba.

    on this snow day, our heat went out from like 530 to 2, so we went to panera with the babes and had some coffees!

    and in regard to veronica mars? i haven't seen it. is it as good as heros and lost? american idol is coming back. you know why im excited? well,

    1. i heart boston boy steven tyler
    2. when the next american idol is crowned, it means that spring is practically here. SWEEEEETS

    ok. over and outs.
