Saturday, January 8, 2011

Writing it down…

Making it happen?!
I hope so. If I publish some New Year goals/intentions/ideas/resolutions maybe I'll stick to it. I usually do well with resolutions. I gave up french fries for a year and I think after the year of completing that goal, I only indulged in fries if the restaurant was indulging as well, i.e. using peanut oil or truffle oil. I eat fries now, although about once a month. They are never as good as I remember them. Potato chips and I have an unhealthy relationship. Maybe I should find a meeting…
Last year I went vegan. I had quite the cheese hangover on January 1, 2010. No, it wasn't the wine. I had half a glass. It was the cheese. Every course of my meal had cheese as the main attraction. Two weeks into veganism I had withdrawals and wanted the comfort of a grilled cheese sandy. But no. I worked through my cravings! And then, I discovered Daiya. At this time, Daiya was not provided by supermarkets but that soon changed. Hopefully it will be available in all supermarkets one day, not just Whole Foods. I also discovered other foods that did not involve cheese at all and fell in love with being a vegan.
2011 begins a whole new decade. So many exciting things are going to happen in the next ten years. Instead of dreading of the big three-oh, I'll be looking for cheap botox and the newest thigh master to beat the big four-oh. What will be the shake weight of 2020?
I thought maybe I should kick things off with a resolution to be friskier. That was quickly shot down as I don't quite have a handle on appropriate times to be more frisky. Why is it not always appropriate to repeatedly slap your partner's behind?
Here are some goals I will work on this year. These will not get shot down…
  1. I want what I have.
    Be present. Although the future is exciting and life would be easier if I was already finished with school and well established in my career, I will focus on enjoying day to day life. This will be especially challenging for a dreamer like me, but it is probably the most important thing I can work on.
  2. Bike and run a combined 500 miles.
    I hate running. But I love how I feel after running. I want to run a race this year. At least one race! Originally I thought I'd like to run 500 miles this year but once the warmer weather arrives I'm going to want to spend more time on my bike. I'm excited to see what I'm capable of!
  3. Spend 200 hours on my yoga mat.
    I've already spent 1.25 hrs there. 198.75 to go! Yoga is something that helps keep me well and fit. It pushes my physical, mental, and emotional boundaries like nothing else. I've meandered off the mat the past few years and I'm looking forward to getting back on. My spring semester schedd seems to welcome this challenge. J
  4. Thirty day challenges!
    Last year began with this challenge and it was a unifying event. Andrea did a thirty day yoga challenge. I've already begun one 30-day challenge, but that is for another post. These challenges will range from anything I want to work on from a fitness goal, spiritual goal, and maybe even some fashion goals! I should be on What Not To Wear and hopefully some challenges I put myself through this year will change that. I found a new-to-me fashion blog, Kendi Everyday, and she issued a 30-for-30 remix challenge where a heck of a lot of other bloggers participated and documented. I think I'd just need help getting those 30 pieces.
  5. Push boundaries with yoga and spirituality through trying new things and taking classes.
    Group and guided meditations really help me sync into myself. I think it is something about the collective energy in the room. I need to do this more. This past year I took two different yoga workshops and am looking forward to doing more. Maybe I'll finally get my Reiki II! There are many possibilities…

Of course there are the read more, create more, healthy more ideas. I'd like to focus more on classics but I'd really like to find my reading niche. I often get caught up in a series, and then mourn the loss once I've closed the last book. At one point in my life I was really into film. I'd like to rekindle that love. Lack of time and a partner that doesn't quite have your taste in movies kinda put a damper on time with the big screen. When it comes to being healthier, I just want to cook more for myself. I've conquered many bumps, and quite frankly pot holes and boulders, already on the "be-more-healthy" road. Now I just need to find more time and energy in meal prep.
Any ideas for 30-day challenges? Anyone want to run a 5k with me? Who wants to redo my wardrobe?


  1. Hey GF! I will go shopping with you. I need a new work wardrobe. . . probably around this summer. . . I'll think of some 30 day challenges for us.

  2. In our household it is ALWAYS appropriate to repeatedly slap your partner's behind! i say AMEN to the friskier Emmy!

    This is a great post and a great set of goals. inspirational, even. I wish you good speed and good luck :)

    I too used to be heavily into film, even thinking I might like to direct, but then sort of fell off the film scene wagon and feel like I'm always running to catch up! Maybe we can have ladies' movie nights on the regular???

    I think you should write more. Maybe do a 30 day writing challenge of some sort. You have a creative soul and an easy felicity with writing, it seems. Your voice and your unique perspective are always engaging, amusing, and relateable. 2011 should see alot more Emily writing, hear alot more of her voice.

    I hear you on the cooking thing. Me too. Maybe make it dinner & a movie night??

    i'll keep brainstorming, but the goals you've already outlined seem pretty comprehensive!!

    Love you, Friend.

