Monday, January 24, 2011


Can you re- something if it never was? 

My sisters will tell you.  I make questionable wardrobe choices.  Shopping is often painful for me.  I am attempting to enjoy it and find things I truly love and will wear and be able to remix in other outfits so it doesn't seem as though I'm wearing the same tired old shirt.  I will tire out an outfit like you wouldn't believe.  I will love it so much til I hate it and create some vision in my head how the outfit now all the sudden negatively shows parts of my body it initially complimented.  The outfit will make me stick out like a sore thumb and people will no longer want to be my friend.  That may have to do with the fact they've seen me wear the same outfit most days for a month and are wondering if I washed that peanut butter stain off and if that is a new one...

Here are some of my gripes about shopping...

Trying on dresses without the right footwear.  Or any outfit for that matter.  I try to make my dressing room trips conclusive and swift.  That typically means leaving on socks.  Plus that is a dirty floor.  Wow that number looks great with my mid-calf striped winter socks.  I love going to a store that has helpful sales people offering to find a pair of heels in your size so you can better picture yourself in the dress.  This typically happens only in this store.  I love Jennifer Reale Design and wish I could purchase all my dresses from her.  Alas, my pocketbook will not always allow such spending.  Trying to find a cheap-o dress in Charlotte or Forever 21?  Forget about it.  You and your calves are on your own.

Sales.  You get wicked excited by the plethora of well organized goodies on the 75% off rack, then you look and it is only size 0, 2, some 4's, and 16.  If I keep eating BBQ utz chips for breakfast I'll be able to soak up the benefits from this rack but there is no way in hell I'll ever be a 0 or a 2. 

Bargain shopping.  Some people love the discount stores like TJmaxx, Marshalls etc.  I can't spend much time in there.  The lighting and disorganization in it all sends my calm mood into pure chaos, much like the store.  I really have to be in the right mind set.  I have found some great workout gear in said stores.  And I typically do shop only the organized racks they have on the outskirts of the department, hiding those massive long unorganized racks.

Questionable quality.  I sound like an old lady.  They just don't make things to last like they used to.  Some stores I enjoy the styles that they offer but then I think about items I've purchased before.  Hems have fallen out, shape has been lost, even small holes arise.  Not worth it. 

Sizes, schmizes.  I really don't think these numbers mean ANYTHING.  Especially when you try on one size, it is too big and accentuates your thunder thighs with its baggy-ness, then you try on the next size down and hello muffin top and flat mom butt.  I don't get it.  The larger size, I need a belt, but this smaller size, one fricken size down, I need to wear spanks or some sort of girdle to make them fit appropriately?  And now my ass is smooshed down into my mid thigh.  Thanks.

Wide feet.  It is hard to find comfortable shoes that look great.  I abhor shoe shopping more than any other shopping.

This year I have purchased two tops and a pair of jeans.  Flares are being sold again!!  I haven't bought jeans in three plus years because I can't really do the skinny jean thang.  Not flattering to saddle bags.  This is probably another reason why my sisters question my fashion sense.  My resistance to current styles. 

I will work on being more open.
Having patience with the shopping process.
Leave expectations behind.
Be less critical of myself.
Find a mantra to repeat over and over and over and over to mentally prepare myself.

Talk amongst yourselves...

Do you like shopping?  What helps you get in the mood?  Do you have any words of wisdom for me??


  1. LOVE this post! Sometimes I feel like the only female on the planet who has such a hard time enjoying shopping. I mean, I can spend-therapy till I'm blue, but usually only organic grocery shopping makes the pain go away, lol!

    Clothes shopping? Christ-on-a-cracker! More of a hassle than a fun excursion. And I am SOOOOO with you on the shoes! I have wide feet too and though I fall in love with tons of awesome footwear, I end up being able to choose from a very narrow swath of viable options. Oh, and don't forget about leather! I don't buy leather (being a vegetarian and all), so finding shoes that don't make me say old lady things like 'They don't make 'em like they used to' is a real challenge!

    So I pledge to make the same pledge you have~ to be more open and positive and go-get-em about wardrobe purchases! My budget is a nightmare and my store credit cards are furious with me for lack of payment, so it may be a little while beofore I venture out for anythng new, but! But when I go I will be cheerful and adventurous as well as practical and realistic!

    Thanks for posting! I adore your voice!
