Friday, January 8, 2010


I get this question a lot. Understandable. But I'd like to lift the veil a bit and show that a vegetarian diet isn't really all that foreign.

Someone once asked me what I eat for breakfast in a tone that alluded to disbelief that there was anything for breakfast I could eat. Right now I'm sipping on a breakfast smoothie that I've recently become obsessed with. If I know my friends, most of you would vom at the combination of ingredients but it's actually really good. I blend 2 cups of spinach, 1 cup of blueberries, 1 cup of vanilla almond milk, and 1 banana. I've substituted the blueberries for strawberries and also mixed berries. I've tried soy milk too which I think gives it a more yogurt-y flavor. Michael has been having fun with his smoothies and we have had all sorts of stuff thrown in. It's a quick easy way to get 3+ servings of fruits and vegetables right off the bat. It makes a 16-20oz drink that I slurp on for a few hours.

Oatmeal is another breakfast food I love. It's warm, comforting, and depending on how I'm feeling that day, I can vary the taste. Nuts are almost always in my oatmeal. Walnuts especially. They are one of those super foods full of Omega-3s. You don't need to take fish oil capsules that give you nasty acid reflux! Just eat your nuts. Other favorite mix-ins are cinnamon, raisins, banana, and/or apples. Instead of sugar for sweetener, try agave or maple syrup. I find that the fruit and cinnamon combo is plenty to sweeten it up.

Cereals aren't flavored with chicken so they are also a good vegetarian option. If a vegan breakfast is sought, watch out for ingredients like honey. Soy milk on its own was a shock when I was initially transitioning my milk, but I could easily adapt to it in my cereal. It was amazing how quickly my taste buds changed their preference.

Going out to breakfast is a challenge. Even something like homefries, which typically you think just potatoes, can be cooked in bacon fat. The last time I went out to breakfast I got a toasted bagel with peanut butter and a soy latte. Lacto-ovo vegetarians have it much easier with breakfast foods with the world of eggs and cheese wide open.

I will admit that I don't miss breakfast meats like sausage and bacon because I've never really liked either of them. I've always been grossed out by sausage and I think I've only had one bite of it in my life. The idea of meat scraps and left over organs of random animals ground up and stuffed into intestine casing just grosses me out. I've never understood the appeal. There are veggie substitutes for these meats, but I'm not that interested.

How do you decide what to eat for breakfast?


  1. I'm loving smoothies right now too! The papi makes me all kinds. I want to open my own smoothie shop and call it Organic Smoothie! Papi supports the idea. I want to try Uplifting Connections smoothies this weekend if I can make it over there.

  2. Emily you have inspired me SO much. My pledge was initially an integral part of my effort to live a healthier lifestyle, and encourage our family to do so, in 2010. Your personal journey, great level of insight into the world of food and the world in general, and your vision have deepened my awareness of the importance of this journey and how it can impact us and how we view and care for the world around us. The details of the plight of animals that suffer for the provision of (American) meat and the connection of wheat to world hunger particularly upset me. Thank you for inspiring Michael and us all to open our minds and our hearts to learning more and being our best throughout this 30 (plus!) day journey. xoxo V

  3. danielle- uplifting connections DOES have yummy smoothies!
    and emmy, thanks for sharing all about the vegan/vegetarian world. it really interests me, so i enjoy reading your blogs and seeing what books your reading and the like :)
