Saturday, April 14, 2012

The big three oh.

I’m thirty now.  Depressing thirty.  Another decade down the tubes, one more closer to our demise.  Now if reading women’s magazines, I must consult articles regarding the “over thirty” group of women.  I have to stock up on a different category of anti-aging creams and make up.  Do I have a different body type now?  Can I still shop at Forever 21?  I don’t have a home of my own.  I don’t have a graduate degree, although I’ve been in school long enough to have a Dr. in front of my name.  I don’t have a Mrs. in front of my name either.  No children.  No tales of backpacking across Europe for a year in my twenties.  I am just another tired old gal carrying around broken dreams and failed attempts to fit into this mold of an adult in this American dream…
Or am I?
People are really interested in how one feels about turning thirty.  I feel great. 
Turning thirty means a time for me to reap what I’ve sowed.  I worked my ass off in my twenties, in all aspects of the term “work.”  I went to school and worked towards a degree I thought I wanted.  I worked up to a career I thought I wanted.  I left that career realizing I needed to work on more than work and school.  I moved.  I worked on my health and having fun.  Then I got sick.  I realized my soul needed work too.  Through working on my soul and my body through yoga and mindfulness, I was able to heal.  I went back to school to work towards something I knew would satisfy me mind, body, heart, and soul.  Then I realized I needed to work on my heart.  Once I was able to let go of all the negativity and truly open myself to what I deserved, only then I could be ready for what was to come.  My heart was heavy in other aspects of society and there are so many things I’d like to stand up and fight for, but I started with one.  I work everyday since I made that decision and fight with my fork.  I still had school and work.  I worked and studied and studied to work.  When that day finally came, about two months before my thirtieth birthday, the day I finally felt free, I cried. 
Sure, I still have to “work” but everything I did in my twenties set me up for an amazing journey in my thirties.  No, an amazing journey for the rest of my life.  So yes, I still have to go to work, I still must challenge myself mentally, physically, and emotionally, I still have to mind my health, I still have to put the efforts in my relationships, I still feel overwhelmed, and I still have to clean the house.  But turning thirty?  There is nothing I cannot face. 


  1. Hallelujah. It is inspiring to read your words from the perspective of someone else turning thirty in oh, less than two months! All your hard work paying off and setting you up for success gives me hope that mine will too. Thanks for the encouragement. Here's to good years ahead!

    1. It will, little brother! Time to relax and enjoy!

  2. Thirties are the new twenties!! And 3 years later, since I will be 33 this year.......I am still shopping at Forever 21. Now all the youngens just look at me like...who is this old lady in the store. Oh man....teenagers consider us old ladies. With age comes wisdom though! Enjoy our thirties!!

    1. Wisdom indeed. I learned a lot of life lessons in my twenties and I hope I never stop learning. And thirties are totally the new twenties! I bought bright blue pants recently that I love, but part of me says, "Are these immature?" Who cares though, I love them and they are fun! Bright colors are in.
